14 de dezembro de 2011

Google doa US$11,5 milhões para combater escravidão moderna

(Reuters) - O Google está doando 11,5 milhões de dólares para combater tipos de escravidão moderna, que afetam 27 milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo, afirmou a empresa nesta quarta-feira.

Acredita-se que a doação seja uma das maiores iniciativas coporativas na história para combater a escravidão.

O Google disse em seu site de caridade que suas doações "libertarão mais de 12 mil pessoas da escravidão moderna" e evitará que "outros milhões sejam vitimizadas".

A companhia listou 10 destinatários de suas doações. O dinheiro irá, principalmente, para projetos de intervenção e educação na Índia, Europa e Estados Unidos.

O Google afirmou estar financiando os grupos International Justice Mission, BBC World Service Trust, ActionAid India e Aide et Action para ajudá-los a formar uma nova coalizão na Índia que trabalhará com governos para combater o trabalho escravo. 

(Reuters) - Google Inc is making $11.5 million in grants to fight modern slavery and its hold on 27 million people worldwide, the technology company said on Wednesday.
The donation is believed to be one of the largest corporate initiatives ever to fight slavery.
Google said on its charitable website that its grants will "free more than 12,000 people from modern-day slavery" and prevent "millions more from being victimized."
The company lists 10 recipients of its anti-slavery grants. The money will mainly go to intervention and education projects in India, Europe and the United States.
Google said it is funding the groups International Justice Mission, BBC World Service Trust, ActionAid India and Aide et Action to form a new coalition in India that will work with governments to stop slave labor.
The coalition will identify slavery ring masters, document abuse, free individuals and offer them therapy, Google said.
The Google grants will also go to the nonprofits Slavery Footprint and Polaris Project to help track slavery and educate Americans about the problem.
"It's hard for most Americans to believe that slavery and human trafficking are still massive problems in our world," Gary A. Haugen, president and CEO of International Justice Mission, said in a statement.
"But it's not hard to believe for the more than 27 million men, women and children held in slavery today," he said.
International Justice Mission said the $11.5 million in Google grants appear to be the largest direct cash donation from any major corporation or corporate foundation to fund both intervention and advocacy against slavery.
The donation is part of $40 million in grants that Google announced on Wednesday. Other initiatives the company is funding include efforts to expand teaching of science, technology, engineering and math and helping girls in developing countries receive an education.

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